Religious Education
The aim of our Religious Education Program is to assist children to develop a conscious, loving relationship with God by fostering an awareness of self, others, the world and the faith community in the tradition of the Catholic Church.
At St. Macartan's Parish Primary School, we aim to achieve this by providing:
- opportunities for prayer, liturgy, meditation and celebration
- an atmosphere within our school community where teachers and students align their behaviours and actions and are living the Gospel values through trust, honesty and compassion
- an effective Religious Education Program which is based on the educational goals and teacher reference presented in the 'To Know, Worship and Love' texts developed by and for the Archdiocese of Melbourne
- a program to teach and develop knowledge and skills, attitudes, values and responses in faith that are appropriate to the child's stage of development
- opportunities to be active witnesses of our faith and cultural traditions within St. Macartan's Parish community, the wider community and environment
- opportunities to support community understanding of Social Justice issues, responsibilities and actions
We share with parents the responsibility of educating children in faith and work in unison with families and the Parish to prepare children to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation.